USS Spiegel Grove Wreck Dive

World's 3rd Largest Wreck Dive
Key Largo
The USS Spiegel Grove spans over 500 feet long and 80 feet tall. Sometimes the wreck can be seen from the surface if the visibility is clear enough.
Takes more than 10 dives to see entire ship
Spiegel Grove is fully intact in the upright position
Wreck starts at about 65ft and sits in the sand at 140ft
The USS Spiegel Grove was a Thomaston Class United States Navy Vessel commissioned on June 8, 1956. The Spiegel Grove spent the majority of its service time conducting amphibious assignments along the eastern seaboard and the Caribbean.
The Vessel was decommissioned from the Navy on October 2, 1989. The state of Florida purchased the Spiegel Grove in 1998. It took nearly 4 years to overcome bureaucratic compliance issues and financial challenges. Eventually on May 17, 2002 the Spiegel Grove was sunk on the Dixie Shoal approximately 6 miles off the coast of Key Largo. The USS Spiegel Grove is the largest artificial wreck in the world!